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Julio Paniagua Marini, the founder of GalleriaVerde, is qualified as an expert valuer at the Court of Rome, and, as such, is legally permitted to provide valuations for purposes of insurance, the partitioning of estates, the resolution of disputes, commercial sales or simply because the owner would like to know the item's current worth.
There are several ways to have your item valued:

  1. By e-mail: send a message to the following address info@galleriaverde.com.
  2. By post: send a letter detailing your requirements to the following address
    GalleriaVerde c/o La Bottega dell’Arco, via del Pellegrino 195, 00187 Roma.

    Whether you decide to get in touch by e-mail or letter, your request should be accompanied by one or more photos of the item to be valued, as well as all the information you already have about the piece.

    You will receive an informal reply by e-mail or letter.

    This service is offered free of charge, on condition that the item to be valued does not require detailed study or unless you request a detailed description printed on headed notepaper. In such cases, we will provide you with an estimate of the cost of the valuation, but you are, of course, under no obligation to accept or act upon it.

  3. On site: for an on-site visit, please write to either the e-mail or the postal addresses shown above. On-site visits are conducted when there are a large number of items to be valued and/or it is essential to inspect the items in person, and/or direct contact is required with the client for whatever reason. In such cases, the valuation will be provided on headed notepaper, following the acceptance of a cost estimate. GalleriaVerde offers this service not just in Italy, but also overseas.


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