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Drawings and water colours > 1800 > Sketch study, India ink on paper by Attilio Simonetti (Roma 1843- 1925).
Sketch study, India ink on paper by Attilio Simonetti (Roma 1843- 1925).
Description: From the early age, Attilio Simonetti, had a unique talent for painting and drawing. This deep passion of his drove him to study under the spanish master Mariano Fortuny y Marsal, becoming his most important disciple and good friend.
Simonetti learnt from his great maestro all the secrets and techniques that made Fortuny famous all over Europe for his unique orientalist style.
In 1868, at the age of 25, Simonetti had his first exhibition at the Brera gallery in Milan , displaying two of his works : 'Interno di cucina in Trastevere' and 'Portone a via dei Carbonari'.
As friends and travel companions, Simonetti and Fortuny frequently visited other artists and painters; during a trip to Naples Simonetti was introduced to master Filippo Palizzi who invited him to an exhibition in Naples, where Simonetti was extremely successful.
In 1874, when Fortuny died, Simonetti was the executor for the artist’s property, which included a vast and rich set of antiques collected by Fortuny during his numerous trips and that are showed on several Fortuny’s works.
At this point Simonetti developed an appreciation and knowledge in antiques which transitioned into a new career as an antique dealer.

In 1875 he was one of the founders of Associazione degli Acquarellisti romani where he was an active member until 1883.

Simonetti mostly painted historical and 'genre' works, his watercolor and oil on canvas paintings are very remarkable for the refined technique and the unique taste for colours and perspective.

Simonetti’s paintings can be seen in Galleria d’ Arte Moderna in Milan, at Capodimonte Museum in Naples and at the Metropolitan Museum in New York.

The piece we are proposing is probably a studio for a rococò character.
Age: c. 1870
Dimensions: 12 x 8 1/4 inches
Price: € 150,00
Item n°: GA 13
Sketch study, India ink on paper by Attilio Simonetti (Roma 1843- 1925). - Picture 01 Sketch study, India ink on paper by Attilio Simonetti (Roma 1843- 1925). - Picture 02 Sketch study, India ink on paper by Attilio Simonetti (Roma 1843- 1925). - Picture 03
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